p379fig11.13 How the 3D LAMINART model explains DaVinci stereopsis. All the stages of boundary and surface formation are color coded to clarify their explanation. Although each mechanism is very simple, when all of them act together, the correct depthful surface representation is generated. See the text for details.
|| DaVinci stereopsis (Nakayama, Shimojo 1990). An emergent property of the previous simple mechanisms working together. [V1 binocular boundaries -> V2 initial boundaries -> V2 final boundaries -> V4 surface] pair [Binocular match: boundaries of thick bar -> Add monocular boundaries along lines-of-sight -> Line-of-sight inhibition kills weaker vertical boundaries -> 3D surface percept not just a disparity match!] pair [Binocular match: right edge of thin and thick bars -> Strongest boundaries: binocular and monocular boundaries add -> Vertical boundaries from monocular left edge of thin bar survive -> Filling-in contained by connected boundaries]. cart [very near, near, fixation plane, far, very far]