p346fig09.16 A macrocircuit of some of the main brain regions that are used to move the eyes. Black boxes denote areas belonging to the saccadic eye movement systes (SAC), white boxes the smooth pursuit eye system (SPEM), and gray boxes, both systems. The abbreviations for the different brain regions are: LIP - Lateral Intra-Parietal area; FPA - Frontal Pursuit Area; MST - Middle Superior Temporal area; MT - Middle Temporal area; FEF - Frontal Eye Fields; NRPT - Nucleus Reticularis Tegmenti Pontis; DLPN - Dorso-Lateral Pontine Nuclei; SC - Superior Colliculus; CBM - CereBelluM; MVN/rLVN - Medial and Rostro-Lateral Vestibular Nucleii; PPRF - a Peri-Pontine Reticular Formation; TN - Tonic Neurons