p332fig08.57 The MODE model uses the Motion BCS as its front end, followed by a saccadic target selection circuit in the model LIP region that converts motion directions into movement directions. These movement choices are also under basal ganglia (BG) control. More will be explained about the BG in Chapters 13 and 15.
|| MODE (MOtion DEcision) model (Grossberg, Pilly 2008, Vision Research). Change sensitive receptors -> directional transient cells -> directiponal short-range filter -> spatial and directional competition -> directional long-range filter (MT) <-> directional grouping network (MSTv) -> saccadic target selection <-> gsting mechanism (BG). Representation of problem that solves the aperture problem (change sensitive receptors (CSR) -> directional grouping network (DGN, MSTv)). Gated movement choice (saccadic target selection & gating mechanism)