p232fig05.41 (a)-(c). The sequence of interlaminar events that SMART predicts during a mismatch reset. (d) Some of the compatible neurophysiological data.
|| Mismatch causes layer 5 dendritic spike that trigger reset. (a) Arousal causes increase in nonspecific thalamic nuclei firing rate and layer 5 dendritic and later somatic spikes (Karkum and Zhu 2002, Williams and Stuart 1999) (b) Layer 5 spikes reach layer 4 via layer 6i and inhibitory neurons (Lund and Boothe 1975, Gilbert and Wiesel 1979) (c) habituative neurotransmitters in layer 6i shift the balance of active cells in layer 4 (Grossberg 1972, 1976) (d) Dendritic stimulation fires layer 5 (Larkum and Zhu 2002) stimulation apical dendrites of nonspecific thalamus