p163fig04.39 A schematic of the LAMINART model that explains key aspects of laminar visual cortical anatomy and dynamics. LGN -> V1 [6, 4, 2/3] -> V2 [6, 4, 2/3]
|| p163c1h0.6 "... The first article abount laminar computing ... proposed how the laminar cortical model could process 2D pictures using bottom-up filtering and horizontal bipole grouping interactions (Grossbeerg, Mingolla, Ross 1997). In 1999, I was able to extend the model to also include top-down circuits for expectation and attention (Grossberg 1999)(right panel). Such a synthesis of laminar bottom-up, horizontal, and top-down circuits is characteristic of the cerebral cortex (left panel). I called it LAMINART because it began to show how properties of Adaptive Resonance Theory, or ART, notably the ART prediction about how top-down expectations and attention work, and are realized by identical cortical cells and circuits. You can immediately see from the schematic laminar circuit diagram ... (right panel) that circuits in V2 seem to repeat circuits in V1, albeit with a larger spatial scale, despite the fact that V1 and V2 carry out different functions, How this anatomical similarity can coexist with functional diversity will be clarified in subsequent sections and chapters. It enable dfifferent kinds of biological intelligence to communicate seamlessly while carrying out their different psychological functions. ..."