p106fig03.24 In response to the Synthetic Aperture image (upper corner left), a shunting on-center off-surround network "discounts the illiminant" and thereby normalizes cell activities to compute feature contours, without causing saturation (upper right corner). Multiple-scale boundaries form in response to spatially coherent activities in the feature contours (lower left corner) and create the webs, or containers, into which the feature contours fill-in the final surface representations (lower right corner).
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input imagefeature contoursboundary contoursfilled-in surface
Synthetic Aperture Radar: sees through weather 5 orders of magnitude of power in radar returndiscounting the illuminant
  • normalizes the image: preseves RELATIVE activities without SATURATION
  • shows individual PIXELS
boundaries complete between regions where normalized feature contrasts changefilling-in averages brightnesses within boundary compartments