p075fig02.24 The membrane equations of neurophysiology describe how cell voltages change in response to excitatory, inhibitory, and passive input channels. Each channel is described by a potential difference multiplied by a conductance. With the special choices shown in the lower right-hand corner, this equation defines a feedforward shuntin on-center off-surround network.
|| Membrane equations of neurophysiology.
C*dp[dt] = (V(+) - V)*g(+) +(V(-) - V)*g(-) +(V(p) - V)*g(p)
Shunting equation (not additive)
V Voltage
V(+), V(-), V(p) Saturating voltages
g(+), g(-), g(p) Conductances
V(+) = B, C = 1; V(-) = V(p) = 0; g(+) = Ii; g(-) = sum[k≠i: Ik];
lower V: V(+) = V(p) Silent inhibition, upper V: V(+). (Howell: see p068fig02.14 Grossberg's comment that Hodgkin&Huxley model was a "... Precursor of Shunting network model (Rail 1962) ...").