p074fig02.23 The equations for a shunting on-center off-surround network. Shunting terms lead to many beautiful and important properties of these networks, which are found ubiquitously, in one form or another, in all cellular tissues.
|| Shunting on-center off-surround network.
Mass action: d[dt: xi] = -A*xi +(B - xi)*Ii -xi*sum[k≠i: Ik]
Turn on unexcited sitesTurn off excited sites
At equilibrium:
0 = d[dt: xi] = -(A + Ii + sum[k≠i: Ik])*xi + B*Ii = -(A + I)*xi + B*Ii
xi = B*Ii/(A + I) = B*θi*I/(A + I) = θi* B*I/(A + I)No saturation!
Infinite dynamical range
Automatic gain control
Compute ratio scale
Weber law
x = sum[k-1 to n: xk] = B*I/(A + I) ≤ B Conserve total activity
Limited capacty
Real-time probability