p068fig02.14 Hodgkin and Huxley developed a model to explain how spikes travel down the squid giant axon.
|| Neurophysiology (single cell): spike potentials in squid giant axon (Hodgekin, Huxley 1952, Nobel Prize). time -> (dendrites -> cell body -> axon).
C*dp[dt: V] = α*dp^2[dX^2: V] + (V(+) - V)*g(+) + (V(-) - V)*g(-) + (V^p - V)*g^p
g(+) = G(+)(m,h), g(-) = G(-)(n), G^p = const, [m, h, n] - ionic processes, V - voltage
Precursor of Shunting network model (Rail 1962). (Howell: see p075fig02.24 Membrane equations of neurophysiology. Shunting equation