p030fig01.20 A schematic cross-section of a slice of laminar neocortex whose cells are organized in a characteristic way in six layers, which themselves may be organized into distinct sublaminae. The computational paradigm of Laminar Computing attempts to show how different parts of neocortex can represent and control very different kinds of behavior - including vision, speech, can cognition - using specializations of the same canonical laminar cortical design.
|| Projection fibres: Cortico[spinal, bulbar, pontine, striate, reticulat, etc]; Thalamocortical fibres; Diffuse cortical afferent fibres: [nonspecific thalamocortical, Cholinergic, Monoaminergic]; Corticocortical efferents; Projection [cell, fibre]; Corticocortical efferent terminals.