06Jan2020 initial version These instructions are brutal, without prose. It's actually what I used to do the updates. \ ******************************************* 06Jan2020 Update WCCI with [CEC, FUZZ, IJCNN] To shorten the bash commands : $ d_list="/media/bill/SWAPPER/Servers/IEEE ListServers/" A. COMPARE THE NEW LIST TO EXISTING LISTS 1. within IEEE ListServer select WCCI export subscriptions to csv file "$d_list""200106 WCCI email list.csv" 2. generate email-only list : $ cat "$d_list""200106 WCCI email list.csv" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's/.\(.*\)\( "," \)\(.*\)/\1/' | sort -u >"$d_temp""WCCI list.txt" 3. manually chop off 3-line header of "$d_temp""WCCI list.txt" 4. process new lists (these lines will vary depending on the format of the lists provided) : Note : the -P option is specific to GNU grep! $ cat "$d_list""200104 chris dyer cec2019-users.txt" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's/.*<\(.*\)>.*/\1/' | sort -u >"$d_temp""CEC givenList.txt" $ cat "$d_list""200104 chris dyer fuzzieee2019-users.txt" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's/.*<\(.*\)>.*/\1/' | sort -u >"$d_temp""FUZZ givenList.txt" $ cat "$d_list""200104 chris dyer ijcnn2019-users.txt" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed 's/.*<\(.*\)>.*/\1/' | sort -u >"$d_temp""IJCNN givenList.txt" 5. Compare to lists provided to generate lists of new emails : Note : lines in both file1 and file2 appear indented, hence the grep Note : grep option -P is specific to GNU grep $ comm -2 "$d_temp""CEC givenList.txt" "$d_temp""WCCI list.txt" | grep --invert-match -P '\t' >"$d_temp""CEC newList.txt" $ comm -2 "$d_temp""FUZZ givenList.txt" "$d_temp""WCCI list.txt" | grep --invert-match -P '\t' >"$d_temp""FUZZ newList.txt" $ comm -2 "$d_temp""IJCNN givenList.txt" "$d_temp""WCCI list.txt" | grep --invert-match -P '\t' >"$d_temp""IJCNN newList.txt" The numbers below refer to the email lists provided by Chris Dyer from Tomasz Cholewo : CEC emails : 1081 missing (i.e. 592 of 1663 were already present in WCCI ListServer) FUZZ emails : 1565 missing (i.e. 412 of 1977 were already present in WCCI ListServer) IJCNN emails : 1016 missing (i.e. 732 of 1748 were already present in WCCI ListServer) B. REFORMAT THE NEW LIST FOR LISTSERVER 6. Reformat Chris Dyer's list for input to publicity-wcci : see "ListServ 16.0 List Owner's Manual", section :6.4.4 Bulk Operations" The manual does NOT show the required format - I found this by experiment. When I left the commas in a test email list, I got the error message : "The file your browser uploaded looks like a binary file. This function requires a plain text file and will not work with word processor documents, spreadsheets or the like." Note : There is no need to sub-select emails that are already in the list, as the ListServer automatically takes care of that. >> Note : You only want to remove the commas at the end of each line, not those in the name!! Note : Lists might have very different formats, which would require different "cleaning" than shown below. a. Given : format of emails in Chris Dyer's list : "Abbass, Hussein" , b. ListServer email format (simply remove the trailing comma with text processor) : "Abbass, Hussein" $ cat "$d_list""200104 chris dyer cec2019-users.txt" | sed 's/,$//' >"$d_list""200104 chris dyer cec2019-users cleanedForListServer.txt" $ cat "$d_list""200104 chris dyer fuzzieee2019-users.txt" | sed 's/,$//' >"$d_list""200104 chris dyer fuzzieee2019-users cleanedForListServer.txt" $ cat "$d_list""200104 chris dyer ijcnn2019-users.txt" | sed 's/,$//' >"$d_list""200104 chris dyer ijcnn2019-users cleanedForListServer.txt" c. I manually cleaned up four IJCNN emails that didn't have a name : Manually replace the ", " names with the email address in quotes : +-----+ ", " <> ", " <> ", " ", " +-----+ C. ADD THE NEW LIST TO ALL [CEC, FUZZ, IJCNN, WCCI] ListServers that should have it d. Log into the IEEE ListServer system i. select publicity-wcci Menu -> List Management -> Subscriber Management - tab : Bulk operations -> select "Add the imported addresses to PUBLICITY-WCCI; do not remove any subscribers" -> click "Browse" button to select input file : "200106 test import list.txt" -> click "Import" button Result messages shown below do NOT include many lines of : "The name field for in the PUBLICITY-IJCNN list has been updated. " Result message for CEC : "ADD: no error, 1,034 recipients added, 323 entries changed, 305 duplicates, none forwarded. " Result message for FUZZ : "ADD: no error, 1,565 recipients added, 277 entries changed, 135 duplicates, none forwarded. " Result message for IJCNN : "ADD: no error, 1,001 recipients added, 640 entries changed, 106 duplicates, none forwarded. " ii. do the same for publicity-[cec,fuzz,ijcnn] - uploading ONLY their respective lists!! NOTE!! : This is tricky, as you don't want to get the lists mixed up between conferences! Pay attention to the selection of the lists and the new email files. Result message for CEC : I did this by splitting the file to find the problem and recover the emails. The problem was with : "Sorensen, Kenneth" Note the "^?" I changed this to : "Sorensen, Kenneth" Simply using the WCCI update results : "ADD: no error, 1,034 recipients added, 323 entries changed, 305 duplicates, none forwarded. " Result message for FUZZ : "ADD: no error, 1,727 recipients added, 66 entries changed, 184 duplicates, none forwarded. " Result message for IJCNN : "ADD: no error, 1,093 recipients added, 601 entries changed, 53 duplicates, none forwarded. " +-----+ 25Jun2019 EXAMPLE : Add Muhammad Ilyas's mailChimp emails For WCCI2020, the website started of with a mailChimp subscription setup, and this was continued throughout the mass email period in case of problems wit hthe IEEE-CIS ListServers (problems did not occur). The text file that was provided did NOT nameAffils - so the email addresses alone were added, via the file provided : "190621 Muhammad Ilyas mailChimp emails.txt" The general steps were : 1. login to ListServ 2. select PUBLICITY-WCCI 3. Menu -> List management -> Subscriber management -> Bulk Operations -> Add, Browse /media/bill/Midas/a_INNS Lexicom email server/a_new contact lists/190621 Muhammad Ilyas mailChimp emails.txt 4. Import : "... ADD: no error, 68 recipients added, 14 entries changed, one duplicate, none forwarded. ..." >> pain in the ass that the names are erased! Maybe a setting prevents a name from being erased completely?