-------- Forwarded Message -------- Subject: Letter of Acquisition - Conference Record #46175 - 2019 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) Date: Thu, 27 Sep 2018 15:37:50 -0400 From: conference-ops@ieee.org To: Bill@BillHowell.ca Conference Record #46175 Dear Bill Howell, Please click the link below to review and approve the Letter of Acquisition (LOA). The Letter of Acquisition provides the information you need to prepare and submit your conference proceedings to IEEE. Your approval of the LOA confirms an agreement between your conference and IEEE for acceptance into the IEEE Conference Publication Program (CPP). Please select Approve at the bottom of the LOA to indicate that you have read and understand the terms outlined. Please be sure to download a copy of this Letter of Acquisition after you select 'Approve'. https://www.ieee.org/conferences_events/conferences/organizers/conf_app.html?appName=Publication&confRecNum=46175&pageType=loa&owsUser=jraba&signatoryId=14612&taskKey=46175-14612 If IEEE is the copyright holder, all authors which intend on publishing in the IEEE Xplore Digital Library are required to provide a transfer of copyright. IEEE will not permit publication of conference papers unless copyright transfer has been completed. We will reach out to you with next steps in the copyright transfer process. Additionally, IEEE requires all IEEE publications, which hold an IEEE copyright, be submitted to a plagiarism detection process prior to being uploaded to Xplore to ensure originality of the content. Organizers for IEEE copyrighted conferences are encouraged to utilize IEEE CrossCheck, a plagiarism detection tool, which is offered at no cost to the conference organizers. For more information, please visit: https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/cross-check-main.html IEEE is ready to help! If you have any questions about this Letter of Acquisition, or the Conference Publication lifecycle, please contact us at ieee-mce@ieee.org. Best wishes for a successful conference! Best regards, IEEE Meetings, Conferences & Events Phone: +1 855 340 4333 (Toll Free US & Canada) +1 732 562 3878[2] (Worldwide) Email: ieee-mce@ieee.org www.ieee.org/conference-organizers IEEE: Advancing Technology for Humanity