REM TD Canada Trust macro.txt REM 19Mar2013 REM used with /media/bill/e7a697e3-8b2b-4c53-aa7a-a2c4ec83b050/bill/Investments/TD Canada Trust/TD Canada Trust.ods REM Sheets "Analysis" and "Transactions" REM **************************************** REM Globals Dim Doc As Object Dim Sheet_Analysis As Object Dim Sheet_Transact As Object Dim Item_sum_debit As Real Dim Item_sum_credt As Real Dim String_partial As String REM ****************************************** Sub Main Dim Cell_itemm As Object Dim Cell_debit As Object Dim Cell_credt As Object Dim col_anal_credt As Integer Dim col_anal_debit As Integer Dim col_anal_itemm As Integer Dim row_anal_start As Integer Dim row_anal_curnt As Integer Doc = ThisComponent Sheet_Analysis = Doc.Sheets.getByName("Analysis") Sheet_Transact = Doc.Sheets.getByName("Transactions") REM Remember - zero indexed columns!! col_anal_credt = 4 - 1 col_anal_debit = 3 - 1 col_anal_itemm = 2 - 1 row_anal_start = 12 - 1 For row_anal_curnt = row_anal_start To 100 Cell_itemm = Sheet_Analysis.getCellByPosition(col_anal_itemm, row_anal_curnt) Cell_debit = Sheet_Analysis.getCellByPosition(col_anal_debit, row_anal_curnt) Cell_credt = Sheet_Analysis.getCellByPosition(col_anal_credt, row_anal_curnt) IF String_len > 0 THEN CALL Item_Transactions Cell_debit.Value = Item_sum_debit Cell_credt.Value = Item_sum_credt END IF Next row_anal_curnt End Sub REM ****************************************** Sub Item_transactions Dim Cell_credt As Object Dim Cell_dater As Object Dim Cell_debit As Object Dim Cell_itemm As Object Dim col_tran_credt As Integer Dim col_tran_dater As Integer Dim col_tran_debit As Integer Dim col_tran_itemm As Integer Dim row_tran_start As Integer Dim row_tran_curnt As Integer Dim String_len As Integer Dim String_out As String REM Remember - zero indexed columns!! col_tran_credt = 6 - 1 col_tran_dater = 3 - 1 col_tran_debit = 5 - 1 col_tran_itemm = 4 - 1 row_tran_start = 5 - 1 Item_sum_debit = 0 Item_sum_credt = 0 For row_tran_curnt = row_tran_start To 10000 Cell_credt = Sheet_transact.getCellByPosition(col_tran_credt, row_tran_curnt) Cell_dater = Sheet_transact.getCellByPosition(col_tran_dater, row_tran_curnt) Cell_debit = Sheet_transact.getCellByPosition(col_tran_debit, row_tran_curnt) Cell_itemm = Sheet_transact.getCellByPosition(col_tran_itemm, row_tran_curnt) IF Cell_dater.String = "End of list" THEN EXIT FOR ELSE Date_tran = Cell_dater.Value IF (AND (date_start <= date_tran) (date_tran <= date_end)) THEN String_itemm = Cell_itemm.String String_partial_in = Search(String_partial, String_itemm, 1) IF (NOT isfault String_partial_in) THEN Item_sum_debit = Item_sum_debit + Cell_debit.Value Item_sum_credt = Item_sum_credt + Cell_credt.Value END IF END IF END IF Next row_tran_curnt End Sub REM enddoc