TO DO Note that this is not a current to do list. It mostly only lists bugs and quirks that Slava wanted to fix before he stopped development. All of these items should eventually be removed or converted into tracker items if they are not out of date. splitting messes up last physical line in the newly created text area + text area: - click&drag breaks fast scroll - format: doesn't wrap right if selection starts in the middle of the line - ruleset importing trick - expand fold: try to expand even if already expanded - backspace with virtual caret: needs tweaks - independent text area component - gutter: has a depenency on View to do focus highlight, and Marker - text area: depends on view for input handling, smart home/end macro record, showing dialog boxes, abbrevs - mouse handler: registers - text area transfer handler: opening files dependency - new file: explicit folding: type {{{: fold marker doesn't appear - finish code to hide caret on user input; enter/backspace is a problem maybe listen for KeyTyped instead - indent folding: fold marker not always updated - format: preserve comment chars at start - tabs to spaces with rect select - input methods - remove-marker, select-next/prev-marker/bracket - format -- instead of \n\n, what if it has \n \n? - DnD still dosn't work as expected when draging from the same buffer, but differen text area (for example droping at the position where drag was started erases text)- no support for vertical pasting - anoying cursor blinking (responsible for this is scrolling option : textArea.moveCaretPosition(pos,JEditTextArea.ELECTRIC_SCROLL) in dragOver() method) Ideas: a lot of the code in the jedit text area can be simplified for example, i'm not sure we really need the ChunkCache anymore just keep the chunks for the currently painting line around, to speed up the multiple offsetToX() calls that happen during painting also, you might want to rip out the text area's scrolling code, and put in a JScrollPane + auto indent: - ? : do not unindent - deep indent - Common Lisp &body forms - pressing enter: carry over * from prev line in javadoc - javadoc indent: if prev line was /* or *, unindent if prev line is */ if(foo) while(bar) { // } <--- cursor here - option to disable electric keys - unindentThisAndFollowing - indent & syntax tokens + vfs browser: - test keyboard completion with expanded/collapsed tree - test keyboard completion with high latency VFS - fsb default size - file system browser column widths are not saved + misc: - kill ring still being reversed - jEdit.checkBufferStatus() fucks with split panes - there is a comment in browser.actions.xml: /* NOTE: I do NOT want plugins creating check box menu items * in jEdit 4.2! The API is not stable, note the _comp hack... * in 4.3 I will finish the full action API refactoring and * IS_SELECTED blocks in browser actions will have access to * the browser variable just like the CODE block above. * * Love, Slava */ - option to disable buffer local properties - CA+PLUS +: bad - goToBuffer() -- if any parent has zero height or zero width... - deferred loading API for macro handlers - S+INS, etc in swing controls - vfs: a way of running awt requests not all at end - wrapped dock buttons broken + beanshell: ; after else if() longs not read correctly if prefixed with 0x + docs: - vfs browser changes - auto indent - save help index - document optional dependencies - deferred loading mention. - addCommandPath() - API thread safety - add note to documentation about exponential-time regexps - document deep indent - note about dependencies - plugin tutorial: - link to jEdit devel page - quicknotepad class -- links to API docs - functions - links to API docs - quicknotepad docs - plugin tips and techniques: - common. properties, using properties for UI strings - cutting down on startup time - canned dialog boxes in GUIUtilities - tools.jar - string comparison in MiscUtilities - writing a macro handler - writing a fold handler - OperatingSystem class - option groups - listening for buffer changes - canned controls: animated icon, color well button, enhanced dialog, font selector, history text field, jcheckboxlist, rolloverbutton, variablegridlayout - displaying a help viewer - canned icons - vfs implementation - running stuff in i/o threads - multi-threaded i/o - jeditresource: protocol - getting line syntax info, textutilities.getTokenAtOffset() - text area extensions - text area caret & scroll listeners - status bar messages & readNextChar() - vfs javadoc: invokeAndWait() example for createVFSSession() check tips of the day - help: - titles in search are fucked - sidebars: need a border or some sort - C+d & killring - plugin mgr inspection of not-loaded plugins - history text field tweak + obscure: - no need to wait for requests after newFile() - class loading problems - motif l&f: shortcuts in menu items - some JLists do not auto-scroll on keystroke - how to handle S+0-9? - invoking action bar command twice - backup time distance setting - if A depends on B but A is loaded before B and B breaks, A ends up being loaded. Solution: load plugins in order of dependencies? + performance: - 7000 line lisp file: window resize is slow - closing lots of files is slow -- esp. with close all dialog box! - menu drag: slow - bracket matching: no delay for current line match?? - final optimization for OffsetManager: scan to zero or scan to end - do buffer load AWT half immediately after work thread half - replace all in a directory could be faster - buffer.setMode() slow - eliminate redundant scans and events when loading buffer - don't repaint whole selection when resizing - could make non-soft wrap chunk merge even faster! - syntax SPAN::END substitution: String --> char[] --> String - is getScreenLineOfOffset() called often? - if caret is at the end of a buffer when doing a replace all, a lot of repaint() and getLineOfOffset() calls are made - optimize for no folding & no soft wrap case: - reset() and changed() don't need to scan - scroll/physUp/Down() simpler - inserting lines repaints whole text area - see if getLineOfOffset() can be optimized - optimize 1 long line case - two repaints in line insert - redundant calls to recalculateLastPhysicalLines()/updateScrollBars() - redundant updateChunksUpTo() calls jEdit buffer local properties: :wrap=hard:maxLineLen=72:indentSize=2: