Class EditorExitRequested

  • public class EditorExitRequested
    extends EBMessage
    Message sent when jEdit starts the exit process. It is send before the settings are saved and the buffers are closed. Listeners of this message should be aware that jEdit might not exit truely, maybe because of errors, or the user cancelled the "Save unsaved changed" dialog, or jEdit is in background mode.
    jEdit 3.1pre4
    • Constructor Detail

      • EditorExitRequested

        public EditorExitRequested​(View view)
        Creates a new editor exiting started message.
        view - The view from which this exit was called
    • Method Detail

      • getView

        public View getView()
        Returns the view involved.
      • cancelExit

        public void cancelExit()
        Cancels the exit process. If a plugin calls this method, jEdit will not exit anymore
      • hasBeenExitCancelled

        public boolean hasBeenExitCancelled()
        Check if the exit process has been cancelled.