Class FavoritesVFS

  • public class FavoritesVFS
    extends VFS
    A VFS used for remembering frequently-visited directories. Listing it returns the favorites list. The deletePath of each entry is the directory prefixed with "favorites:" so that right-clicking on a favorite and clicking 'delete' in the browser just deletes the favorite, and not the directory itself.
    • Constructor Detail

      • FavoritesVFS

        public FavoritesVFS()
    • Method Detail

      • getParentOfPath

        public java.lang.String getParentOfPath​(java.lang.String path)
        Description copied from class: VFS
        Returns the parent of the specified path. This must be overridden to return a non-null value for browsing of this filesystem to work.
        getParentOfPath in class VFS
        path - The path
      • _listFiles

        public VFSFile[] _listFiles​(java.lang.Object session,
                                    java.lang.String url,
                                    java.awt.Component comp)
        Description copied from class: VFS
        Lists the specified directory.
        _listFiles in class VFS
        session - The session
        url - The directory. Note that this must be a full URL, including the host name, path name, and so on. The username and password (if needed by the VFS) is obtained from the session instance.
        comp - The component that will parent error dialog boxes
      • _getFile

        public VFSFile _getFile​(java.lang.Object session,
                                java.lang.String path,
                                java.awt.Component comp)
        Description copied from class: VFS
        Returns the specified directory entry.
        _getFile in class VFS
        session - The session get it with VFS.createVFSSession(String, Component)
        path - The path
        comp - The component that will parent error dialog boxes
        The specified directory entry, or null if it doesn't exist.
      • _delete

        public boolean _delete​(java.lang.Object session,
                               java.lang.String path,
                               java.awt.Component comp)
        Description copied from class: VFS
        Deletes the specified URL.
        _delete in class VFS
        session - The VFS session
        path - The path
        comp - The component that will parent error dialog boxes
      • _rename

        public boolean _rename​(java.lang.Object session,
                               java.lang.String from,
                               java.lang.String to,
                               java.awt.Component comp)
        Rename a favorite
        _rename in class VFS
        session - no session needed you can give null
        from - The old path (not the name)
        to - the new name
        comp - The component that will parent error dialog boxes
        true if the favorite having that old path exists
      • loadFavorites

        public static void loadFavorites()
      • addToFavorites

        public static void addToFavorites​(java.lang.String path,
                                          int type)
      • saveFavorites

        public static void saveFavorites()
      • getFavorites

        public static VFSFile[] getFavorites()