Class CloseBracketIndentRule

    • Constructor Detail

      • CloseBracketIndentRule

        public CloseBracketIndentRule​(char closeBracket,
                                      boolean aligned)
    • Method Detail

      • apply

        public void apply​(JEditBuffer buffer,
                          int thisLineIndex,
                          int prevLineIndex,
                          int prevPrevLineIndex,
                          java.util.List<IndentAction> indentActions)
        Description copied from interface: IndentRule
        Apply the indent rule to this line, and return an indent action.
        buffer - the buffer
        thisLineIndex - the line index
        prevLineIndex - the prior non empty line index (or -1 if there is no prior non empty line)
        prevPrevLineIndex - the prior non empty line index before the prevLineIndex (or -1 if there is no prior non empty line)
        indentActions - the indent actions list. The rule can add an action in it if it is necessary