Class KeyEventTranslator

  • public class KeyEventTranslator
    extends java.lang.Object
    In conjunction with the KeyEventWorkaround, hides some warts in the AWT key event API.
    • Field Detail

      • lastKeyPressEvent

        protected static java.awt.event.KeyEvent lastKeyPressEvent
      • lastKeyPressAccepted

        protected static boolean lastKeyPressAccepted
    • Constructor Detail

      • KeyEventTranslator

        public KeyEventTranslator()
    • Method Detail

      • addTranslation

        public static void addTranslation​(KeyEventTranslator.Key key1,
                                          KeyEventTranslator.Key key2)
        Adds a keyboard translation.
        key1 - Translate this key
        key2 - Into this key
        jEdit 4.2pre3
      • parseKey

        public static KeyEventTranslator.Key parseKey​(java.lang.String keyStroke)
        Converts a string to a keystroke. The string should be of the form modifiers+shortcut where modifiers is any combination of A for Alt, C for Control, S for Shift or M for Meta, and shortcut is either a single character, or a keycode name from the KeyEvent class, without the VK_ prefix.
        keyStroke - A string description of the key stroke
        jEdit 4.2pre3
      • parseKeyStroke

        public static javax.swing.KeyStroke parseKeyStroke​(java.lang.String shortcut)
        Converts a string to a Swing KeyStroke. The string should be of the form modifiers+shortcut where modifiers is any combination of A for Alt, C for Control, S for Shift or M for Meta, and shortcut is either a single character, or a keycode name from the KeyEvent class, without the VK_ prefix. Returns null if the string corresponds to multiple KeyStrokes (e.g., "C+e C+COMMA").
        shortcut - A string description of the key stroke
        jEdit 5.0
      • setModifierMapping

        public static void setModifierMapping​(int c,
                                              int a,
                                              int m,
                                              int s)
        Changes the mapping between symbolic modifier key names (C, A, M, S) and Java modifier flags. You can map more than one Java modifier to a symobolic modifier, for example :

        setModifierMapping( InputEvent.CTRL_DOWN_MASK, InputEvent.ALT_DOWN_MASK | InputEvent.META_DOWN_MASK, 0, InputEvent.SHIFT_MASK);

        You cannot map a Java modifer to more than one symbolic modifier.
        c - The modifier(s) to map the C modifier to
        a - The modifier(s) to map the A modifier to
        m - The modifier(s) to map the M modifier to
        s - The modifier(s) to map the S modifier to
        jEdit 4.2pre3
      • getSymbolicModifierName

        public static char getSymbolicModifierName​(int mod)
        Returns a the symbolic modifier name for the specified Java modifier flag.
        mod - A modifier constant from InputEvent
        jEdit 4.2pre3
      • modifiersToString

        public static java.lang.String modifiersToString​(int mods)
      • getModifierString

        public static java.lang.String getModifierString​(java.awt.event.InputEvent evt)
        Returns a string containing symbolic modifier names set in the specified event.
        evt - The event
        jEdit 4.2pre3