Class BufferSetManager

  • public class BufferSetManager
    extends java.lang.Object
    The buffersets manager. A singleton instance of this can be obtained from jEdit.getBufferSetManager()
    jEdit 4.3pre15
    • Constructor Detail

      • BufferSetManager

        public BufferSetManager()
    • Method Detail

      • handleEditPaneUpdate

        public void handleEditPaneUpdate​(EditPaneUpdate message)
      • handlePropertiesChanged

        public void handlePropertiesChanged​(PropertiesChanged msg)
      • addBuffer

        public void addBuffer​(View view,
                              Buffer buffer)
        Add a buffer into the current editPane of the given view. If the view is null, it will be added to the current editPane of the active view.
        view - a view (or null)
        buffer - the buffer to add
      • addBuffer

        public void addBuffer​(EditPane editPane,
                              Buffer buffer)
        Add a buffer into the given editPane. If the editPane is null, it will be added to the current editPane of the active view.
        editPane - an EditPane (or null)
        buffer - the buffer to add
      • moveBuffer

        public void moveBuffer​(EditPane editPane,
                               int oldPosition,
                               int newPosition)
        Moves a buffer from a old position to a new position in the BufferSet used in an EditPane.
      • removeBuffer

        public void removeBuffer​(EditPane editPane,
                                 Buffer buffer)
        Remove a buffer from the EditPane's bufferSet.
        editPane - the editPane It cannot be null
        buffer - the buffer
      • removeBuffer

        public void removeBuffer​(Buffer buffer)
        remove a buffer from all bufferSets.
        buffer - the buffer that must be removed
      • createUntitledBuffer

        public static Buffer createUntitledBuffer()
        Create an untitled buffer
        the new untitled buffer
      • getOwners

        public java.util.Set<BufferSet> getOwners​(Buffer buffer)
        set of BufferSets that contain buffer