Class LineManager

  • public class LineManager
    extends java.lang.Object
    A class internal to jEdit's document model. You should not use it directly. To improve performance, none of the methods in this class check for out of bounds access, nor are they thread-safe. The Buffer class, through which these methods must be called through, implements such protection.
    jEdit 4.2pre3
    • Constructor Detail

      • LineManager

        public LineManager()
    • Method Detail

      • getLineCount

        public final int getLineCount()
      • getLineOfOffset

        public int getLineOfOffset​(int offset)
      • getLineEndOffset

        public final int getLineEndOffset​(int line)
      • getFoldLevel

        public final int getFoldLevel​(int line)
      • setFoldLevel

        public final void setFoldLevel​(int line,
                                       int level)
      • setFirstInvalidFoldLevel

        public void setFirstInvalidFoldLevel​(int firstInvalidFoldLevel)
      • getFirstInvalidFoldLevel

        public int getFirstInvalidFoldLevel()
      • setFirstInvalidLineContext

        public void setFirstInvalidLineContext​(int firstInvalidLineContext)
      • getFirstInvalidLineContext

        public int getFirstInvalidLineContext()
      • _contentInserted

        public void _contentInserted​(IntegerArray endOffsets)
      • contentInserted

        public void contentInserted​(int startLine,
                                    int offset,
                                    int numLines,
                                    int length,
                                    IntegerArray endOffsets)
      • contentRemoved

        public void contentRemoved​(int startLine,
                                   int offset,
                                   int numLines,
                                   int length)