Annotation Type EditBus.EBHandler

  • @Retention(RUNTIME)
    public static @interface EditBus.EBHandler
    This annotation should be used in methods that are to be considered "edit bus message handlers". When registering an object using EditBus.addToBus(Object), all methods tagged with this annotation will be considered as handlers for specific edit bus messages.

    Each method should expect a single argument (an object of some type derived from EBMessage, inclusive). When delivering an EBMessage, the bus will search for and invoke all handlers matching the outgoing message type.

    Since jEdit 4.4pre1, this annotation can also be added to classes extending EditPlugin. This will make the plugin be added to the bus automatically, similarly to how EBPlugin works, but without having to implement the EBComponent interface.

    jEdit 4.3pre19
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean exact  
    • Element Detail

      • exact

        boolean exact
        Whether the message should match the exact type of the parameter, instead of a compatible type.