Interface EBComponent

  • All Known Implementing Classes:
    DockingLayoutManager, EBPlugin, PageBreakExtension

    public interface EBComponent
    A component on the EditBus. Every plugin class that uses the EditBus for receiving messages must implement this interface.
    jEdit 2.2pre6
    See Also:
    • Method Detail

      • handleMessage

        void handleMessage​(EBMessage message)
        Handles a message sent on the EditBus. This method must specify the type of responses the plugin will have for various subclasses of the EBMessage class. Typically this is done with one or more if blocks that test whether the message is an instance of a derived message class in which the component has an interest. For example:
         if(msg instanceof BufferUpdate) {
             // a buffer's state has changed!
         else if(msg instanceof ViewUpdate) {
             // a view's state has changed!
         // ... and so on
        message - The message