Class Debug

  • public class Debug
    extends java.lang.Object
    This class contains various debugging flags (mainly useful for core development) and debugging routines.
    jEdit 4.2pre1
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      static boolean ALT_KEY_PRESSED_DISABLED
      If true, A+ shortcuts are disabled.
      static boolean ALTERNATIVE_DISPATCHER
      no longer used.
      static boolean BEANSHELL_DEBUG
      Logs messages when BeanShell code is evaluated.
      static boolean CHUNK_CACHE_DEBUG
      For checking invalidation, etc.
      static boolean CHUNK_PAINT_DEBUG
      Paints boxes around chunks.
      static boolean DISABLE_GLYPH_VECTOR
      Paint strings instead of glyph vectors.
      static boolean DISABLE_MULTIHEAD
      Disable multihead support, since it can cause window positioning problems with some Java versions.
      static boolean DISABLE_SEARCH_DIALOG_POOL
      Create new search dialogs instead of reusing instances.
      static boolean DUMP_KEY_EVENTS
      Dump key events received by text area?
      static boolean EB_TIMER
      Show time taken for each EBComponent.
      static boolean FOLD_DEBUG
      For checking fold level invalidation, etc.
      static boolean FOLD_VIS_DEBUG
      For checking the line visibility structure..
      static boolean GEOMETRY_WORKAROUND
      Geometry workaround for X11.
      static boolean INDENT_DEBUG
      Indent debug.
      static boolean OFFSET_DEBUG
      Print messages when the gap moves, and other offset manager state changes.
      static boolean PAINT_TIMER
      Show time taken to repaint text area painter.
      static boolean PRINT_DEBUG
      Printing debug.
      static boolean SCREEN_LINES_DEBUG
      Print messages when screen line counts change.
      static boolean SCROLL_DEBUG
      Print messages when text area and display manager perform scroll updates.
      static boolean SCROLL_TO_DEBUG
      Print messages when text area tries to make the caret visible.
      static boolean SCROLL_VERIFY
      Display an error if the scrolling code detects an inconsistency.
      static boolean TOKEN_MARKER_DEBUG
      For checking context, etc.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static int compDelay​(long time)
      Does a computational delay.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Field Detail


        public static boolean OFFSET_DEBUG
        Print messages when the gap moves, and other offset manager state changes.

        public static boolean SCROLL_DEBUG
        Print messages when text area and display manager perform scroll updates.

        public static boolean SCROLL_TO_DEBUG
        Print messages when text area tries to make the caret visible.

        public static boolean SCROLL_VERIFY
        Display an error if the scrolling code detects an inconsistency. This kills performance!

        public static boolean SCREEN_LINES_DEBUG
        Print messages when screen line counts change.

        public static boolean TOKEN_MARKER_DEBUG
        For checking context, etc.
      • FOLD_DEBUG

        public static boolean FOLD_DEBUG
        For checking fold level invalidation, etc.

        public static boolean FOLD_VIS_DEBUG
        For checking the line visibility structure..

        public static boolean CHUNK_CACHE_DEBUG
        For checking invalidation, etc.

        public static boolean CHUNK_PAINT_DEBUG
        Paints boxes around chunks.

        public static boolean PAINT_TIMER
        Show time taken to repaint text area painter.
      • EB_TIMER

        public static boolean EB_TIMER
        Show time taken for each EBComponent.

        public static boolean DISABLE_GLYPH_VECTOR
        Paint strings instead of glyph vectors.

        public static boolean BEANSHELL_DEBUG
        Logs messages when BeanShell code is evaluated.

        public static boolean ALTERNATIVE_DISPATCHER
        no longer used.

        public static boolean ALT_KEY_PRESSED_DISABLED
        If true, A+ shortcuts are disabled. If you use this, you should also remap the the modifiers so that A+ is actually something else. On by default on MacOS.

        public static boolean GEOMETRY_WORKAROUND
        Geometry workaround for X11.

        public static boolean DUMP_KEY_EVENTS
        Dump key events received by text area?

        public static boolean INDENT_DEBUG
        Indent debug.

        public static boolean PRINT_DEBUG
        Printing debug.

        public static boolean DISABLE_SEARCH_DIALOG_POOL
        Create new search dialogs instead of reusing instances. Off by default on Mac OS because it can cause search dialogs to show up on the wrong space.

        public static boolean DISABLE_MULTIHEAD
        Disable multihead support, since it can cause window positioning problems with some Java versions.
        jEdit 4.3pre1
    • Constructor Detail

      • Debug

        public Debug()
    • Method Detail

      • compDelay

        public static int compDelay​(long time)
        Does a computational delay. Simulates heavy computations for the given period of time. Used to force conditions that are hard to reproduce, for example deadlock cases.
        time - Required delay, in ms
        an integer