jEdit README * About jEdit jEdit is a cross platform programmer's text editor written in Java. jEdit requires Java 11 Runtime or later. It will not run with earlier versions of Java. jEdit comes with full online help; to read it, select 'jEdit Help' from jEdit's 'Help' menu or point your web browser to the file named 'index.html' in the 'doc/users-guide/' directory of the jEdit distribution. A PDF (Adobe Acrobat) version of the user's guide be downloaded from . A list of people who contributed to jEdit, either by submitting code or edit modes to the core, or writing plugins can be viewed by selecting 'About jEdit' from jEdit's 'Help' menu. * License jEdit is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute and modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License (either version 2 or any later version). See the file COPYING.txt for details. The jEdit installer is released under a public domain license and may be used for any purpose. A number of plugins are available for jEdit. Unless otherwise stated in the plugin's documentation, each of the plugins is licensed for use and redistribution under the terms of the GNU General Public License (either version 2 or any later version, at the user's election). The user's guide is released under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; with no "Invariant Sections", "Front-Cover Texts" or "Back-Cover Texts", each as defined in the license. A copy of the license can be found in the file COPYING.DOC.txt. The class libraries shipped with jEdit each have their own license; see the 'Libraries' section below. * jEdit on the Internet The jEdit homepage, located at contains the latest version of jEdit, along with plugin downloads. There is also a user-oriented site, . Check it out. If you would like to report a bug, first take a look at the 'jEdit Frequently Asked Questions' document, accessible from either jEdit's online help or by pointing your web browser to the file named 'index.html' in the 'doc/FAQ/' directory of the jEdit distribution. If the FAQ doesn't answer your question, report a bug with our bug tracker, located at . When writing a bug report, please try to be as specific as possible. You should specify your jEdit version, Java version, operating system, any relevant output from the activity log, and an e-mail address, in case we need further information from you to fix the bug. The 'Make Bug Report' macro included with jEdit, which can be found in the 'Misc' submenu of the 'Macros' menu, might be useful when preparing a bug report. If you would like to discuss jEdit and be informed when new versions are released, you should subscribe to the mailing lists; see for details. If you would like to discuss the BeanShell scripting language, subscribe to one of the BeanShell mailing lists by visiting . Finally, if you want to chat about jEdit with other users and developers, come join the #jedit channel on You can use the IRC plugin, available from , for this purpose. * Libraries jEdit bundles the following libraries: - BeanShell scripting language, by Pat Niemeyer. jEdit bundles BeanShell version 2.0b4 with the bsh.util and bsh.classpath packages removed. BeanShell is released under a dual Sun Public License/GNU LGPL license. See the BeanShell homepage for details. The BeanShell web site is . - ASM bytecode generation library from Objectweb. This class library is released under the 'GNU Lesser General Public License'. The ASM homepage can be found at . The library is in org/gjt/sp/jedit/bsh/org/objectweb/asm/. The jEdit installer bundles the following libraries: - org.apache.excalibur.bzip2 compression library. This library is released under the Apache license, which can be found in doc/Apache.LICENSE.txt. The org.apache.excalibur.bzip2 web site is . -, by Tim Endres. This code is in the public domain. The web site is .