%----FOF format, also used for CNF in TSTP, Original version ::= | | | | ::= () ::= : ::= ! | ? ::= [*] ::= , ::= | : ::= | : ::= ::= ::= & | <=> | => | <= | vline | <~> | ~vline | ~& ::= ~ Problems with the old version: The language is correct, but parse trees are not, because the grammar is highly ambigous! -> -> ~ (~ seems to apply to all of the rest) -> ~ (oops, wrong!) Similarly with binary formulas: -> -> Read: ( ) -> ( ) Read: ( ) ( ) %----FOF format, also used for CNF in TSTP, my version % The grammar has been disambiguated as much as possible: % - Quantifiers and negation can only be applied to % elementary formulas, so they always bind the complete formula % generated out of the corresponding non-terminal % - Right-associativity of binary operators is actually build into the % grammar ::= | ::= | | | ( ) ::= | ::= ::= ! | ? ::= [*] ::= , ::= & | <=> | => | <= | vline | <~> | ~vline | ~& ::= ~