This is not yet implemented! For FOF format, you currently *must* use TPTP or TSTP format. This describes the grammar of E-PLOP 1.0 E-PLOP is not related to SETHEO-PLOP, but rather a conservative extension of E-LOP, E's dialect of the CNF only LOP format, sharing as much as possible with TPTP/TSTP format. Precedence (decreasing binding power): ? ! ~ & , ~& | ; ~| => <= <- ?- :- <=> <~> All operators within a group have the same precedence and are right-associative. ::= . ::= | ::= | ~ | | ( ) ::= | ::= | ::= | | | ::= | ::= ::= ! | ? ::= [*] ::= , ::= "&" | "," | "~&" ::= "|" | ";" | "~|" ::= "<-" | ":-" | "?-" ::= "<=" | "=>" | ::= "<=>" | "<~>" ::= $true | $false | | ::= ::= "=" | "!=" ::= | ::= | | ::= ::= ::= ( * ) ::= ,