#] #] ********************* #] "$d_web"'AI apps/DALL-E/0_DALL-E notes.txt' - ??? # www.BillHowell.ca 18Dec2022 initial # view in text editor, using constant-width font (eg courier), tabWidth = 3 https://openai.com/dall-e-2/ RAM3500_67 styles oil painting impressionist art deco #48************************************************48 #24************************24 # Table of Contents, generate with : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_web"'AI apps/DALL-E/0_DALL-E notes.txt' | sed "s/^#\]/ /" # #24************************24 # Setup, ToDos, #08********08 #] ??Jan2023 #08********08 #] ??Jan2023 #08********08 #] ??Jan2023 #08********08 #] ??Jan2023 #08********08 #] ??Jan2023 #08********08 #] ??Jan2023 #08********08 #] ??Jan2023 #08********08 #] ??Jan2023 #08********08 #] ??Jan2023 #08********08 #] ??Jan2023 #08********08 #] ??Jan2023 #08********08 #] 31Dec2022 "$d_web"'AI apps/DALL-E/tests/' circus bear on a green bicycle with a purple umbrella brown circus bear, green bicycle, purple umbrella (style cartoon) brown circus bear, green bicycle, purple umbrella,style oil painting 221231 brown circus bear, green bicycle, purple umbrella,style oil painting, variations.png 221231 happy smiling purple barracuda, clap fins, deep sea octopus 221231 barracuda car, variations.png 221231 barracuda car, beach, starlight.png 221231 barracuda car, beach, starlight, variations.png #08********08 #] 26Dec2022 copy images to DALL-E dirs Most convenient to use copies of images - easier for locate, add etc #08********08 #] 18Dec2022 compose 1st artwork by editing existing DALL-E art "$d_web"'AI apps/DALL-E/221219 Giche and Catherine [magic, alchemy]/' Compose component parts ; 1.0 magic and alchemy, woman, hood and finger ornaments.png 1.1 magic and alchemy, woman, hood and finger ornaments.png 1.2 magic and alchemy, woman, hood and finger ornaments.png 2.0 magic and alchemy, warlock, masked, casting spell.png 2.1 magic and alchemy, warlock, masked, casting spell.png 3.0 magic and alchemy, symbols.png 3.1 magic and alchemy, symbols.png 4.0 chaos.png : >> nyet 4.0 mandelbrot fractal.png 4.1 mandelbrot fractal.png 4.1 mandelbrot fractal.png 5.0 night sky, moon, Saturn, electric arcs.png 5.0 night sky, moon, Saturn with rings ,electric discharge, hills and sea, style painting.png 5.1 night sky, medium sized Saturn with colored rings, our moon, style photo.png 5.2 moon.png 6.1 Lawrence Livermore z-Pinch machine.jpeg exceptionally in "$d_web"'Electric Universe/Aureon-SAFIRE/' : 26Dec2022 copy pit into "$d_web"'AI apps/DALL-E/221219 Giche and Catherine [magic, alchemy]/' : 7.1 SAFIRE spherical plasma Lanmuir isotherms and T.png 7.2 Aureon.ca elements created in hydrogen plasma reactor.png 8.3 Cat Howell alchemy symbols.xcf 8.3 Cat Howell alchemy symbols.jpg 99. Giche and Catherine, magic and alchemy.png 99.1 Giche and Catherine, magic and alchemy.png 99.2 Giche and Catherine, magic and alchemy.png Catherine and Giche Magic Source Codes : The craft of reality /home/bill/web/AI apps/DALL-E/221219 Giche and Catherine [magic, alchemy]/8.2 Cat Howell alchemy symbols.png Norway Spiral, Lawrence Livermore Z-pinch machine #08********08 #] 18Dec2022 compose 1st artwork from description standard examples : An Impressionist oil painting of sunflowers in a purple vase +-----+ my attempts 221218 DALLE-E mountain lake in winter with snow, ice, and evergreen trees, in the style art deco.png >> awesome "$d_web"'AI apps/DALL-E/221218 DALL-E A man and women sitting in the same large sea kyak/221218 DALL-E A man and women sitting in the same large sea kyak/' : A man and women sitting in the same kyak facing opposite direction, sea storm close to ocean shore with waves crashing, style sketch.png A man and women sitting in the same large sea kyak with supplies, sea storm close to ocean shore with waves crashing on rocks and cliff, conifer trees on land, style painting.png A man and women sitting in the same kyak, sea storm close to ocean shore with waves crashing on rocks and cliff, three totem poles on land, style painting.png start with : sea storm close to ocean shore with waves crashing on rocks and cliff, conifer trees, totem pole, style painting.png extend, then screen image capture sea storm extended, style painting.png using gimp, start with : 1.2 A man and women sitting in the same kyak, sea storm close to ocean shore with waves crashing, style painting.png add : 2.2 sea storm extended, style painting.png save as : 3.1 man-women in sea kyak, sea storm, conifer trees, totem pole, style painting.xcf 3.1 man-women in sea kyak, sea storm, conifer trees, totem pole, style painting.png extend painting to see what happens 3.2 Mike and Sarah in sea kyak, Haida Gwaii storm, style painting.png caption : Mike and Sarah in Haida Gwaii sea storm # enddoc