Howell - hydrogen future Alberta

"... One of my quotes ..."

Table of Contents


Perry Kincaid, founder of KEI Networks, organised a PUBLIC webinar Alberta is high on hydrogen : Introducing hydrogen to Alberta's energy mix and commentaries about how and why, Thursday, March 31st 4:00pm MST.

As part of the webinar, I was to provide a 10 minute commentary,which I focussed on : [safety, interesting technical concepts related to hydrogen, and 2 [fun, crazy] concepts].

Unfortunately, after several days of trying, I was not able to combine [audio, video] streams without excessive video distortion, even though I was using a very simple approach (FAR sophisticated than the other videos that I have produced). There is still significant audio corruption [halt, break, repeat], which is annoying.

Users must therefore download one of the slidesow presentation formats [.odp, .pdf], as well as the voice commentary file. As per the "key files" below, simply start the slide-show, launch the audio voice file and page down through the presentation as the voice suggests.

Note that a cuple of slides have been restored to the presentation after having been cut out to hit the 10 minute limit. Voice commentaries weren't made for several slides, but they have been left in the presentation.

Key files


?Most? of the references, with links to the source, are listed below by video scene. A few additional references, not covered in the talk, are provided for further information.

  • hydrogen [storage, transport]

  • Click to view most files related to this presentation

    17Sep2020 initial posting