[#!: full-line executeEmbeds, phraseValueList = (("fout fout)("backtrack backtrack)) [#!: path_insertIn_fHand (link d_webWork 'fin Head_one.html') fout ; Howell - hydrogen future Alberta [#!: path_insertIn_fHand (link d_webWork 'fin Head_two.html') fout ; [#!: path_executeEmbedsInsertIn_fHand (link d_webWork 'Menu.html') phraseValueList ; [#!: path_executeEmbedsInsertIn_fHand (link d_webWork 'Menu projects.html') phraseValueList ; [#!: path_insertIn_fHand (link d_webWork 'normalStatus.html' ) fout ;

Howell - hydrogen future Alberta

"... One of my quotes ..."

Table of Contents



Links to images used in the video are provided in the "References" section below.

Video scenes

How to play selected video scenes

Instructions here are for Linux (also Mac), and assume that the user is familiar we command line in a terminal. The overall video is composed of files for the scenes, each of which is a stand-alone video. That way, your viewing [selection, sequence] can be changed for a sub-[presentation, view], plus scenes of the "Hydrogen future Alberta" video can easily be incorporporated into a mix with from your [scenes, videos] from other sources. Sometimes you may want to simply re-watch the same scene several times, and that is easy.
1. Download [all, some, one] of the videos scenes. Example bash commands : one scene : $ all scenes : $ all files : $ 2. Create a bash script to play scenes without break. Below is an example bash script for doing so, for which the user puts in the appropriate directory path for their own system, commenting out sections (# = comment character) not desired, inserting their own [scene, video]s, and finally re-ordering it all.

bash script...


?Most? of the references, with links to the source, are listed below by video scene. A few additional references, not covered in the talk, are provided for further information.

  • hydrogen [storage, transport]

  • How to access all files for this project

    Click to view all files for this presentation
    Click to view all files for the video setup
    Also - look at links in this webPage...

    17Sep2020 initial posting
    [#!: full-line executeEmbeds, phraseValueList = (("fout fout)("backtrack backtrack)) [#!: path_executeEmbedsInsertIn_fHand (link d_webWork 'fin Footer.html') phraseValueList ;