#] #] ********************* #] "$d_vidHowell"'220331 Hydrogen future Alberta/0_hydrogen future Alberta notes.txt' www.BillHowell.ca 27Mar2022 initial - gathered a few previous notes To view this file - use a text editor (not word processor) constant width font (eg courrier 10), tab - 3 spaces 48************************************************48 24************************24 # Table of Contents, see ToC file - not listed [here, screen] as it's too large! : # $ grep "^#]" "$d_vidHowell"'220331 Hydrogen future Alberta/0_hydrogen future Alberta notes.txt' | sed 's/^#\]/ /' ********************* "$d_webRawe"'Projects - mini/hydrogen/0_Howell - hydrogen future Alberta notes.txt' Hydrogen Future Alberta Safety and hydrogen Economics and Risks Alberta roadmap - selected ideas [random, scattered] concepts Fun, crazy stuff References 24************************24 08******08 #] 01Apr2022 audio auto-play during vid recordmydesktop regexpr search recrd_start(.*)\"\$d_vid\"(.*) replace recrd_start\1"$d_vid"\2\n#\taplay\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t"$d_voice"\2 +-----+ bandwidth problems recording : see "$d_SysMaint"'Linux/processes sucking up time notes.txt' 08******08 #] 31Mar2022 combine [audio, video] $ ls -1 "$d_vidHowell"'220331 Hydrogen future Alberta/voice audio/' 1:06 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 1.0 intro.wav 1:39 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 2.0 hydrogen safey intro.wav 1:11 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 2.1 hydrogen safety mean.wav 0:31 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 2.2 hydrogen safey advantages.wav 1:32 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 2.3 fuelcells for mining.wav 1:20 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 5.0 hydrogen random scattered concepts.wav 0:30 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 6.0 heresy.wav 1:15 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 7.0 fun crazy intro.wav 1:29 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 8.0 Randell Mills fractional quantum electron levels.wav 2:08 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 9.0 SAFIRE electric sun intro.wav 2:32 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 9.4 Talbot, Walhill, Peratt petroglyphs.wav 11min + 253s = 11 + (253/60) = 15.2 min cut : 1:06 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 1.0 intro.wav 0:30 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 6.0 heresy.wav 1:15 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 7.0 fun crazy intro.wav 2:32 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 9.4 Talbot, Walhill, Peratt petroglyphs.wav keep : 1:39 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 2.0 hydrogen safey intro.wav 1:11 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 2.1 hydrogen safety mean.wav 0:31 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 2.2 hydrogen safey advantages.wav 1:32 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 2.3 fuelcells for mining.wav 1:20 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 5.0 hydrogen random scattered concepts.wav 1:29 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 8.0 Randell Mills fractional quantum electron levels.wav 2:08 Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 9.0 SAFIRE electric sun intro.wav 7min + 170s = 7 + (170/60) = 9.8 min $ cd "$d_vidHowell"'220331 Hydrogen future Alberta/voice audio/' $ cat 'Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 1.0 intro.wav' 'Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 2.0 hydrogen safey intro.wav' 'Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 2.1 hydrogen safety mean.wav' 'Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 2.2 hydrogen safey advantages.wav' 'Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 2.3 fuelcells for mining.wav' 'Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 5.0 hydrogen random scattered concepts.wav' 'Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 6.0 heresy.wav' 'Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 7.0 fun crazy intro.wav' 'Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 8.0 Randell Mills fractional quantum electron levels.wav' 'Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 9.0 SAFIRE electric sun intro.wav' 'Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, 9.4 Talbot, Walhill, Peratt petroglyphs.wav' >'Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, voice all.wav' >> bad idea, no workee https://stackoverflow.com/questions/66803400/how-to-concatenate-a-list-of-wav-files save file list to "$d_vidHowell"'220331 Hydrogen future Alberta/voice audio/0_voice audio fileList.txt' $ ffmpeg -f concat -safe 0 -i "$d_vidHowell"'220331 Hydrogen future Alberta/voice audio/0_voice audio fileList.txt' -c copy "$d_vidHowell"'220331 Hydrogen future Alberta/voice audio/Howell - hydrogen future Alberta, voice all.wav' +--+ [concat @ 0x560098398b20] Line 1: unknown keyword 'Howell' /media/bill/Dell2/Website - raw/Bill Howells videos/220331 Hydrogen future Alberta/voice audio/0_voice audio fileList.txt: Invalid data found when processing input +--+ >> failed put apos around filenames in '0_voice audio fileList.txt' 08******08 #] Hydrogen Future Alberta www.BillHowell.ca - for Kincaid webinar 31Mar2022 This short presentation seeks to : avoid overlap with Alberta Associate Minister of Natural Gas - Dale Nally stimulate discussions, rather than proclaim the answer Safety and hydrogen - good news Alberta advantage Economics and Risks Jobs, business in Alberta [Random, scattered] concepts Fun, crazy stuff Personal bias - (*) mark concepts I've come across in past jobs Slides : http://www.BillHowell.ca/Projects - mini/hydrogen/Howell - hydrogen future Alberta.odp Notes to accompany slides (this file) : http://www.BillHowell.ca/Projects - mini/hydrogen/0_Howell - hydrogen future Alberta notes.txt 08******08 #] Safety and hydrogen At first glance - hydrogen is pretty mean stuff public [perceptions, education, early involvement] no nuclear explosion or Chernoby - inevitable concern and that's reasonable for the public https://h2tools.org/hyarc/hydrogen-data/comparative-properties-hydrogen-and-other-fuels https://www.engineeringtoolbox.com/explosive-concentration-limits-d_423.html https://wermac.org/safety/safety_what_is_lel_and_uel.html https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_safety https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hydrogen_safety historical incidents list (including Hindenburg) https://www.world-energy.org/article/3409.html image of Hindenburg Second glance - some advantages very high diffusivity (disperses well, easy to ventilate) minimize inventory on-hand! high turndown ratio supply? Mercaptan-like safety (stench) is there an equivalent yet for fuel cells? easy for hydrogen-fuel mixes? (15% mentionned by roadmap) Global [research, development, piloting] - Alberta roadmap emphasizes this accidents in controlled environments, not in mainstream +--+ Example - Undergound hard-rock mining fuel cells Worse case application? life in the barrel of a canon Safety, including [standards, legal] is number 1 issue [fire, exploon, breathable air]. legal standards must prove that a "new system is better, or at least no worse, than current systems' safety" trade unions were on board, open-minded old-timers faced same sorts of challenges converting from mules to diesel engines!! +--+ Example - School bus pilot project in USA, hydrogen fuel cell 08******08 #] Economics and Risks Will "blue hydrogen" (natural gas based) be accepted after 2050? if natural gas is accepted, then coal will too? (later slide...) does it matter if oil & gas are eliminated anyways internationally? "life cycle analysis" old phrase : very problematic (*) Will hydrogen fuel cells be a strong competitor of batteries for passenger cars? regional energy factors, consumer vehicle preferences, optics of hydrogen double conversion costs etc think Not : Elon Musk, Volkswagen & several European experts what about [truck, train, planes]s https://open.alberta.ca/publications/alberta-hydrogen-roadmap roadmap : Fig 1 2020 GLOBAL HYDROGEN PRODUCTION COSTS (Uof Alberta) https://www.volkswagenag.com/en/news/stories/2019/08/hydrogen-or-battery--that-is-the-question.html# "... Prof. Maximilian Fichtner, Dep. Director of the Helmholtz Institute Ulm for Electrochemical Energy Storage and designated expert in hydrogen research, lately told the “Wirtschaftswoche”, the “very poor energy efficiency well-to-wheel” of the fuel cell car make sure that battery-powered e-cars “order a multiple of more efficient”. Fichtner continues: “I'm not against hydrogen as an energy storage medium at all. We just should make use of it where it makes sense – and that's not in the car, but in the stationary area.” With battery-powered e-cars, only eight percent of the energy is lost during transport before the electricity is stored in the batteries of the vehicles. When the electrical energy used to drive the electric motor is converted, another 18 percent is lost. This gives the battery-operated electric car an efficiency level of between 70 to 80 percent, depending on the model. With the hydrogen-powered electric car, the losses are significantly greater: 45 percent of the energy is already lost during the production of hydrogen through electrolysis. Of this remaining 55 percent of the original energy, another 55 percent is lost when hydrogen is converted into electricity in the vehicle. This means that the hydrogen-powered electric car only achieves an efficiency of between 25 to 35 percent, depending on the model. For the sake of completeness: when alternative fuels are burned, the efficiency is even worse: only 10 to 20 percent overall efficiency. ..." [Russia, China, India, Arab, Persia] other competitors : solar panel example - China dominance current trend of backtracking from globalization could be a huge opportunity for Alberta in USA? substitute "energy carrier" technologies (later slide) Crushing new priorities, FAR beyond all this??! (**) +-----+ Taken out : green beliefs prevail heating - residential & commercial power generation (within export countries, AB to keep politics happy) exports (you mean, they might let us export? I gave up waiting) 08******08 #] Alberta roadmap - selected ideas (ideas that have been around, but with advances) Alberta hydrogen roadmap : https://open.alberta.ca/publications/alberta-hydrogen-roadmap roadmap : Fig 1 2020 GLOBAL HYDROGEN PRODUCTION COSTS (Uof Alberta) CertiHy :FIG. 2 CARBON INTENSITY OF HYDROGEN PRODUCTION IN ALBERTA Natural Gas Decomposition (NGD) – thermal decomposition of methane into hydrogen gas and solid carbon (also known as carbon black), then a direct carbon fuel cell When I worked at Alcan in Arvida Quebec, the joke was when our health went down, we would be moved to the carbon anode plant http://standingwavereformers.com/about/ Standing Wave Reformers - ?location? https://www.ekonapower.com/contact-us Ekona Power - direct carbon fuel cell - solid carbon by-product to electrical power many previous variations going back decades, low temperature problems of solids poisoing is this a high temperature process? many examles of high-T batteries too (very high power rates) (*) hydrogen fuel cells are best known, but [natural gas, ammonia, etc etc] fuel cells have also been worked on Underground Gasification (UG) – of [crude oil, bitumen, coal] integrated with CCUS. Can natural gas storage formations be adapted to hydrogen? (**) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Underground_hydrogen_storage "... The Chevron Phillips Clemens Terminal in Texas has stored hydrogen since the 1980s in a solution-mined salt cavern. The cavern roof is about 2,800 feet (850 m) underground. The cavern is a cylinder with a diameter of 160 feet (49 m), a height of 1,000 feet (300 m), and a usable hydrogen capacity of 1,066 million cubic feet (30.2×106 m3), or 2,520 metric tons (2,480 long tons; 2,780 short tons). ..." https://www.lindehydrogen.com/technology/hydrogen-storage "... Linde has been operating the world’s first commercial hydrogen high-purity cavern for over a decade and we supply some of our pipeline hydrogen customers out of this hydrogen storage facility in Texas. ..." Alberta roadmap (p30h0.95) - Research phase!?? 08******08 #] [random, scattered] concepts (there is no end to the ideas...) Hydrogen [combustion engines, turbines] for transportation? (see roadmap too) (*) far less sensitive to high purity issues of fuel cells, can use hydrogen-mixed fuel how does efficiency compare? drag race, anyone? (electric dragsters would probably win?) [battery, fuel cell, flywheel, ultracapacitor] comparison (*) https://www.garrettmotion.com/news/media/garrett-blog/hydrogen-fuel-cells-vs-battery-electrics-why-fuel-cells-are-a-major-contender/ Garrett Motion image of energy/volume of [PbA, NiMH, Li-ion] batteries vs "fuel cell + hydrogen tank" "... Despite the enormous efficiency advantage BEVs have over conventional vehicles lithium-ion batteries – the best batteries in high-volume production today – only store 1/100th, or 1 percent, the energy density of gasoline. Hydrogen also has higher energy storage density than lithium ion batteries, both in terms of energy stored per unit weight and energy stored per unit volume. At Garrett Motion, we generally believe that lighter, smaller vehicles are better candidates for battery electric powertrains, while heavier, larger vehicles are better suited for fuel cells. But not only are BEVs best suited for lighter vehicles that require much less energy than larger/heavier vehicles, but BEVs are best suited for travel within cities, rather than between them, in part because of recharging times and in part because of this disadvantage relative to fuel cells on energy storage. ..." >> But Caterpillar, with experience with BOTH bat and hydrogen fuel cells, is working with the former Flywheels : IF rare lab results can be translated into viable product ... ? seems to be common in electrochemistry, photo-voltaic [solid, liquid, gas, but also plasma?] = "Earth, water, air, fire" of ancient Greece? "elements versus phases" : similar to : Ptolemy's many mis-interpretations and "corrections" mini-Earth diameter versus Arabs always knowing the right diameter from Erastothenes (famous historian Ibn Khaldun ~1410 AD) Lucio Russio's science history provide a beautiful description of many of these, including the possibility of ancient maritime clocks for navigation. Recent retrieval of something from sea. Ultra-capacitors : Sharp pause during work on the underground hard rock mining "hydrogen fuel cell" project" - a mine engineer from our Val d'Or research mine alerted us to stunning lab results of ultra-capacitors. If [reproducible, viable], the whole project could be upset (not really - perceptions change glacially) search "ultracapacitors versus batteries in electric vehicles" traditionally : ultra-capacitor [higher [power, cycle life], lower energy] density battery [lower [power, cycle life], higher energy] density ultra-capacitors much greater : - temperature range (eg -40 to +65 Celsius) - shelf life (some of them) - benefit to cost ratio - much lighter (important for vehicles!) caps sometimes higher self discharge? capacitors used by some [electric, hybrid] vehicles - acceleration, deceleration battery-capacitor hybrids Sharp pause during work on the underground hard rock mining "hydrogen fuel cell" project" - a mine engineer from our Val d'Or research mine alerted us to stunning lab results of ultra-capacitors. If [reproducible, viable], the whole project could be upset (not really - perceptions change glacially) https://www.energy.gov/sites/prod/files/2014/03/f12/es038_smith_2010_o.pdf High Energy Density Ultracapacitors Annual Merit Review, DOE Vehicle Technologies Program, Washington, D.C. Patricia Smith, Thomas Jiang, Thanh Tran NAVSEA-Carderock Division https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6409971/ An Ultra-High-Energy Density Supercapacitor; Fabrication Based on Thiol-functionalized Graphene Oxide Scrolls Janardhanan. R. Rani,1,† Ranjith Thangavel,2,† Se-I Oh,1 Yun Sung Lee,2 and Jae-Hyung Jang1,3,* Nanomaterials (Basel). 2019 Feb; 9(2): 148. Published online 2019 Jan 24. doi: 10.3390/nano9020148 PMCID: PMC6409971, PMID: 30682829 "... The fabricated supercapacitor exhibits a very high energy/power density of 206 Wh/kg (59.74 Wh/L)/496 W/kg at a current density of 0.25 A/g, and a high power/energy density of 32 kW/kg (9.8 kW/L)/9.58 Wh/kg at a current density of 50 A/g; it also operates in a voltage range of 0~4 V with excellent cyclic stability of more than 20,000 cycles. By suitably combining the scroll-based electrode and electrolyte material, this study presents a strategy for electrode design for next-generation energy storage devices with high energy density without compromising the power density. ..." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lithium-ion_battery Specific energy 100–265 W·h/kg[1][2][3](0.36–0.875 MJ/kg) Energy density 250–693 W·h/L[4][5][3] (0.90–2.43 MJ/L) Specific power ~250 – ~340 W/kg[1] Charge/discharge efficiency 80–90%[6] Caterpillar's global initiative for electric battery trucks (monster mining mega-robots) https://www.marketwatch.com/story/teck-resources-to-deploy-fleet-of-caterpillar-zero-emission-vehicles-at-operations-271643215309?mod=newsviewer_click https://www.caterpillar.com/en/news/caterpillarNews/2021/bhp-mining-trucks.html 220813 Caterpillar battery powered mining trucks image.png Capillar ran tests on underground mining "bucket loaders" (LHDs) early-mid 1990s presumably they've done other tests it's very interesting that they are going ahead with batteries rather than fuel cells mining companies are VERY tough customers!!! hydrogen safety for open pit mining would be far less of an issue? does this also supoort Elon Musk's opinions that batteries > fuel cells? will Alberta put sufficient funding into this for it to go ahead? the trucks are [big, valuable] enough that separate design for [battery, fuel-cell] may not be an issue? can your car be a hydrogen fuel cell electric power generator? (*) tie-in with solar panels, obviously industrial [building. vehicle feet]s as well hydrogen fuel cell in car, electrical [grid tie-in, load peak-shaving], power to grid with hydrogen supply reduce electric grid challenges of EVs, making for [EV, hydrogen fuelcell] car mix? far more power in cars than all electric grid : [distributed, robust, local] My name was in the Canadian Electrical Code Part II - home recharging of electric vehicles that was early on, and the code must have changed since then (I haven't checked) substitute "energy carrier" technologies (later slide) modular [fission, fusion] for [ship, train, plane]s car [battery, flyweel, ultracapacitor, in-road] (later slide) Fischer-Tropsch-like processes : coal to [gas, oil, other] historical operations [WWII Germany, apartheid South Africa, China ~2010-today?] (*) recently, USA coal to [acetylene, ethylene]? acetylene as great building block of chemical industry (expensive) coal plant in a bottle (like sailing ships), O2 enrichment (*) these processes don't work well when they are continually bombarded (priority targets!) China tie-in with carbon capture would dramatically reduce footprint (eg [India, China]) 23 Underground Gas Storage facilities as of ~2018, "... Most of the depleted oil and gas production fields that could be repurposed for gas storage are in the northeast, central and west regions. But market demand is greatest along the eastern seaboard, where most underground formations are salt caverns and aquifers12,13 and are challenging for gas storage...." can some salt formations be used for hydrogen storage? world land weight-lifting record for reactors #1 and #2 of Cinese Fischer-Tropsch-like process I would have though a ship lift would have that record? (not drydock) https://blogs.edf.org/energyexchange/files/2019/05/DevelopingUndergroundGasStorageinChina.pdf Environmental Defense Fund 2019 "Underground Gas Storage in China, Developing a World Class Program" Environmental Defense Fund 2019 Underground Gas Storage in China - map Environmental Defense Fund 2019 Underground Gas Storage in China - leak https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.O2MD3mNoiisKelNXrBlFmQHaFf%26pid%3DApi&f=1 https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.O2MD3mNoiisKelNXrBlFmQHaFf%26pid%3DApi&f=1 https://tse2.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.O2MD3mNoiisKelNXrBlFmQHaFf/6pid=Api&f=1 map of coal mines in China https://spgindia.org/2010/028.pdf Geological Storage: Underground Gas Storage Sunjay, Ph. D. Research Scholar, Vinod Kumar Singh, Asstt. Manager, RITES Ltd., Gurgaon, India India 2010 Geological Storage, Underground Gas Storage.pdf https://www.dawn.com/news/1582206 Govt to build underground gas storages Khaleeq KianiPublished September 29, 2020 ISLAMABAD: Amid increasing gas deficit, the government is reviving an underground gas storage project shelved almost a decade ago to plan higher imports in summers and bridge higher demand-supply gap in winters. https://www.genesisray.com/media/reflection/building-underground-gas-storage-in-india GenRay Reflection, October 7, 2021 Time to act on building gas storage in India https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Ftse1.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOIP.lbocgrMkBf-kG3cM3_yOkgHaKY%26pid%3DApi&f=1 map of India gas storage, + [coal, gas] fields https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S1876610219312354 Energy Procedia Volume 160, February 2019, Pages 848-855 Energy Procedia Carbon capture and sequestration potential in India: A comprehensive review India has been taking a cautious approach towards CCS technology due to various factors. The paper discusses on the challenges of CCS in India and a roadmap for the successful implementation of CCS in India. +-----+ Taken out : advanced control theory, materials - often key constraints on economics (*) hydrogen-compatible materials is a requirement (mentionned in roadmap) is there a hydrogen advantage? Uof Alberta - Deep Mind collaboration nano-path-directed catalysis as with biology (cell is not a bag of water...)? 08********08 Multi-edged warning? Almost all (except ~<1:100) [government, academic] research scientists are perhaps best advised to roll their eyes and walk away. It's all they [can, should] do? But I'm looking for essentially none (<1:10k) of the scientists, and none for all [theories, time]. Strange that so many of the so few turn out to be amateurs. "multiple conflicting hypothesis" to avoid the trap of becoming a tool of concepts, rather than the concepts being a starting environment A key point is to beware of flippant, educated reactions. There is far more underlying thinking than most can match. +-----+ Stairway to heaven? - Zeppelins for hydrogen transport in the North, riding the jet streams Everybody likes pictures of the Hindenburg burning, or nuclear explosions. It is natural for the public to be concerned and ask questions. By the way, I have seen project proposals for hydrogen blimps in the North of Canada as a means of delivering hydrogen and materials to remote sites. Distantly related to zepplins is a photo on the wall where I have coffee in the morning. It shows a Japanese war balloon that landed close to town, one of 10-20 thousand that landed in Western US and Canada. +-----+ Joke : best hydrogen [storage, transport] is to attach it to long carbon chains or oxygen! While working for a half year on funding follow-up for [electric vehicles, batteries], I sat in a cubicle beside "Mr. Hydrogen", who always impressed upon me that "hydrogen is the answer, Bill". Rumour was that he chose Ballard in the early days for funding based on the team that they had. Apparently a black engineer there was a genius. One day, looking for trouble, I excitedly commented over the cubicle wall that they had found a vastly superior solution for hydrogen storage. Knowing me, he was suspicious, but keen on any progress. When I told him that the approach is to attach hydrogen to long carbon chains, he frowned, told me that I was evil, shook his head, and went back to work. All joking aside, there has long been serious research into hydrogen storage. Or, there are simple conventional approaches. Alberta hydrogen roadmap mentions ammonia for shipment. +-----+ Taken out : Vladimir Vapnik - at some point you must abandon your theories and go with the data. Hava Siegemann - Super-Turing machines to bridge connectionist and symbolic systems? Did Thomas Khun (paradigm shifts) and Karl Popper (ories must be disprovable) miss the 800 pound gorillas in the room? 08******08 #] Fun, crazy stuff (just things I've come across in the past, *some definitely NOT accepted by mainstream science!) * Randell Mills hydrino - fractional electron quantum levels? https://brilliantlightpower.com/ high-enegy chemistry, as opposed to nuclear, potential advantages for transportation etc definitely outside of mainstream science, not idea of environmental issues even if correct other "natural philosopy" theories lead to same conclusion (notably Bill Lucas "Universal Force") focus was cars - normal use and electrical generators for grid http://www.BillHowell.ca/Projects - mini/hydrogen/Howell - review of Holverstott 2016 Hydrino energy.pdf https://brilliantlightpower.com/pdf/Business_Presentation.pdf corporate Executive Summary 12Feb2022 : ".... Brilliant Light Power, Inc. (BLP) has developed a new, zero-pollution, primary energy source based on a proprietary hydrogen plasma reaction that releases 200 times the energy of burning hydrogen that can be obtained from water. Our SunCell® having a capital cost of less than 1/10 th that of solar was invented and engineered to harness this new source of power. Specifically, BLP is operating a SunCell® at commercial scale (250 kW) producing power levels that, upon finalization of engineering and design, can power essentially all power applications with no fuels or grid connection, projected $20/kW cap cost, $0.001 kW/h generation cost with no transmission, distribution, or demand charges, no supply chain issues, and zero pollution including CO2. Our global and significant patent portfolio protects our leading technology position and products. ..." Howell : I'm not interested so much in [application, commercialization]. I am most interested in Randel Mill's [concept, mathematic, theory, sensor, experiment]s. One of a [few, rare, plausible] potential replacements for quantum mechanics, together with [Bill Lucas, Edwin Kaal, Steve Bryant] - the latter mostly General Relativity, not so much QM yet). There are probably many others over the last 200 years (even before QM was around). My guess is that, if his concepts are proven out, Randell Mills is ”potentially one of the greatest physicists & chemists, to be compared to [Archimedes, Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Edison, Tesla, Lucas, MANY others]” across many areas such as [instrumentation, concepts, theory, models, experiments, results], even though one can argue about any single point. But Mills ALSO handles [people management, business founder, fundraiser] on a scale that most of the others did not. Of course, fraud is always a possiblity... but I doubt that here, given independent concepts leading to some of the same results. I have NOT done step-by-step re-derivations of his key theories, which is required for my full confidence. But I still will need a couple of years probably to fiish that for Bill Lucas's work, if I can get back to it. (don't hold your breath) I have NO idea of the environmental implications of hydrinos (strange hydrogen). My guess is that it would be a "somewhat benign" monatomic gas that won't bind with oxygen to form water until regenerated by sunlight. I can't guess at possible biological reactions with the hydrino, and this is no small point for a process. It's probably described in Mills' reports, but I don't remember https://www.nei.org/fundamentals/nuclear-fuel 1 pellet of uranium (10-30g) = 17,000 scf natural gas 149 barrels of oil 1 ton of coal * Aureon.ca in Toronto - mythology inspired, electric sun experiments Core team : Toronto - industrialist financing, project manager, [electrical, instrument, control] engineers [USA, Australia, Brit] scientists - including Paul Anderson US Army research chemist initial market focus : "radio-de-isotoping" (my clumsy term, official basis is "Nuclear Valence Excitation" (NVE) nuclear changes), area heat, fusion energy, Rare Earth element production, photonic battery, etc? if this works and is economic - huge business opportunities? (eg high-level nuclear waste from fission power) "first to the egg?" (film "Ready Player One") - risks and opportunities of being early https://www.thunderbolts.info/wp/?s=Kristian+Birkeland Stairway to heaven? - Zeppelins for hydrogen transport in the North, riding the jet streams reminds me of Hindenburg disaster 1936, photo of Japanese war balloon that landed near Hussar, Alberta * Joke : best hydrogen [storage, transport] is to attach it to long carbon chains! matches current [economy, infrastructure, investment, transportation equipment] stand on your head, cross your eyes, and look at the CO2 potential I knew "Mr. Hydrogen" would hate me for suggesting this to him... joking aside, there are wonderful developments for better hydrogen storage +-----+ taken out : "... Perceptions are their own realities, conflicting with other perceptual realities, all divorced from a reality without perceptions. ..." Abiogenic natural gas (Alex Scarborough, US army WWII vet - wrote the first book on this?) 48************************************48 I removed these slides entirely (time constraints) 08******08 Jobs, business in Alberta (likely high overlap with Associate Minister Dale Nally) Historical strengths in [innovation, competitive businesses, political environment, talent] International competition for talent (<1:10k) science -> technology -> pilot, demonstration -> construction -> operations key Alberta hydrogen markets Alberta - tar sands, heavy oil, these are critical to our conventional markets (public perception, transition) globally - heavy transportation (maybe truck, train other alternatives?) 08******08 Alberta advantage Minister Dally roadmap, [Edmonton, SE Alberta] hubs, production https://open.alberta.ca/publications/alberta-hydrogen-roadmap Alberta existing hydrogen production : for [tar sands, heavy oil, petroleum refineries, ammonia processes] from Steam Methane Reforming, chloralkali (*) [Alberta, Quebec, Ontario] modular nuclear power plant initiative, fusion later? Can natural gas storage formations be adapted to hydrogen? (**) "... Linde has been operating the world’s first commercial hydrogen high-purity cavern for over a decade and we supply some of our pipeline hydrogen customers out of this hydrogen storage facility in Texas. ..." AB roadmap (p30h0.95) - Research phase!?? Other : NRCan CANMET Energy lab in Devon (is hydrogen closed down?), is there anything else that has a track record? but not like Uof Quebec Trois Rivieres (*) mostly [government, university] funded jobs at early stage, learning? ?Calgary carbon-fibre high pressure hydrogen tanks for hydrogen? (*) It's our turn for massive federal funding?!!! # enddoc